
  1. Ghazinoory, S., & Aghaei, P. (2024). Metaphor research as a research strategy in social sciences and humanities. Quality & Quantity, 58(1), 227-248.
  2. Simaee, N., Ghazinoory, S., & Maleki, A. (2024). Identifying patterns of countries’ industrial diversification. The Extractive Industries and Society, 17, 101372.
  3. Ghazinoory, S., Shirkhodaie, M., & Pahlavanian, M. (2024). Typology of the transition path to fintech: multi-level comparative analysis. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 34(2), 270-294.
  4. Ghazinoory, S., Nozari, M., & Hoshdar, F. (2024). Cascade roadmaps as a tool for technology strategy formulation: The case of Iran oil industry. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 15(1), 1871-1888.
  5. Ghazinoory, S., Roshandel, J., Parvin, F., Nasri, S., & Fatemi, M. (2024). Smart city maturity models: A multidimensional synthesized approach. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 14(1), e1516.
  6. Ghazinoory, S., Mohajeri, A., Kiamehr, M., & Danaeefard, H. (2023). Technological learning in large firms: mechanism and processes. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(8), 5092-5113.
  7. Jahromi, G. S., & Ghazinoory, S. (2023). How to use bits for beats: the future strategies of music companies for using Industry 4.0 technologies in their value chain. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 21(3), 505-525.
  8. Ranjbar, A., Nasri, S., Fatemi, M., & Ghazinoory, S. (2023). A systematic approach toward waste management: problem-oriented innovation system (PIS). Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 1-17.
  9. Ghazinoory, S., Nasri, S., Afshari-Mofrad, M., & Moghadam, N. T. (2023). National Innovation Biome (NIB): A novel conceptualization for innovation development at the national level. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 196, 122834.
  10. Ghazinoory, S., Fatemi, M., Saghafi, F., Ahmadian, A. A., & Tatina, S. (2023). A Framework for Future-Oriented Assessment of Converging Technologies at National Level. NanoEthics, 17(2), 8.
  11. Ghazinoory, S., & Hashemi, Z. (2023). The Impact of Government Interventions on the Performance of Biotechnology, Information and Communications Technology, and Electrical and Electronics Firms: Evidence from Iran. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 14(2), 735-751.
  12. Ghazinoory, S., Ranjbar, A., & Saheb, T. S. (2023). Evolution of the STIP literature: discovering the growing role of innovation governance concepts. Science and Public Policy, scad061.
  13. Ghazinoory, S., Hoshdar, F., & Nozari, M. (2022). Alignment of technology development plans in the oil industry of developing countries: The case of Iran. Resources Policy, 76, 102625.
  14. Ghazinoory, S., Fatemi, M., & Adab, A. (2022). Iranian steel value chain: advantageous but unsustainable. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 24(7), 2099-2115.
  15. Kalantari, E., Montazer, G., & Ghazinoory, S. (2022). Modeling the characteristics of collaborative science and technology policy network. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 34(5), 504-517
  16. Ghazinoory, S., Nasri, S., Dastranj, R., & Sarkissian, A. (2022). “Bio to bits”: the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) as a metaphor for Big Data ecosystem assessment. Information Technology & People, 35(2), 835-858.
  17. Ghazinoory, S., Phillips, F., Afshari-Mofrad, M., & Bigdelou, N. (2021). Innovation lives in ecotones, not ecosystems. Journal of Business Research, 135, 572-580.
  18. Kousari, S., Ghazinoory, S., & Saghafi, F. (2021). Societal factors affecting on innovative sustainable development of nanotechnology: a morphological approach. foresight, 23 (4), 421- 438.
  19. Ghazinoory, S., Farazkish, M., Nasri, S., & Mardani, A. (2021). Designing a science, technology, and innovation (STI) evaluation dashboard: a comprehensive and multidimensional approach. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 1-19.
  20. Ghazinoory, S., Khosravi, M., & Nasri, S. (2021). A Systems-Based Approach to Analyze Environmental Issues: Problem-Oriented Innovation System for Water Scarcity Problem in Iran. The Journal of Environment & Development, 30(3), 291-316.
  21. Ghazinoory, S., Majidi, B., Nasri, S., Zandi, E., Farrokhi, H., Javedani, M., & Barzanouni, M. (2021). Differences between health technology assessment topics in high-and middle-income countries: a scoping review. Archives of Public Health, 79, 1-15.
  22. Ghazinoory, S., Malekifar, S., Nasri, S., & Kousari, S. (2021). Visioning for cultural industries: CLA inspired scenario method. Futures, 131, 102770.
  23. Ghazinoory, S., & Aghaei, P. (2021). Differences between policy assessment & policy evaluation; a case study on supportive policies for knowledge-based firms. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 169, 120801.
  24. Kalantari, E., Montazer, G., & Ghazinoory, S. (2021). Mapping of a science and technology policy network based on social network analysis, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, 3, 115-147.
  25. Bakhtiar, A., Ghazinoory, S. S., Aslani, A., & Mafi, V. (2021). Efficiency-effectiveness assessment of national innovation systems: comparative analysis. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management.
  26. Ghazinoory, S., & Hashemi, Z. (2020). Do tax incentives and direct funding enhance innovation input and output in high-tech firms?. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 100394.
  27. Afshari-Mofrad, M., Ghazinoory, S., & Nasri, S. (2021). Measuring the efficiency, effectiveness and changeability of institutions for improving national innovation system. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 1-25.
  28. Ghazinoory, S., Sarkissian, A., Farhanchi, M., & Saghafi, F. (2020). Renewing a dysfunctional innovation ecosystem: The case of the Lalejin ceramics and pottery. Technovation, 102-122.
  29. Soofi, S., A., Ghazinoory, S. (2020) Guest Editorial, Introduction to the Special Issue: Technological Innovation systems in Iran, Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, 11(1), 1-3.
  30. Farnoodi, S., Ghazinoory, S., Radfar, R., & Tabatabaian, S. H. (2020). Governmental origin: why NTBFs grow in a transitional economy. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 33(1), 379-398.
  31. Ghazinoory, S., Nasri, S., Ameri, F., Montazer, G. A., & Shayan, A. (2020). Why do we need ‘Problem-oriented Innovation System (PIS)’for solving macro-level societal problems?. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 150, 119749.
  32. Ghazinoory, S., & Vaziri, J. (2020). Sociotechnical Transitions In Developing World: Explaining the Pathway of Iran’s Defence Industry. Defense & Strategy/Obrana a strategie, 20(2).
  33. Ghazinoory, S. S., Tatina, S., & Goodarzi, M. (2020). Innovation policy-making in the upstream oil and gas industry as a large technical system under economic transition. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, 11(1), 107-128.
  34. Ghazinoory, S., Amiri, M., Ghazinoori, S., & Alizadeh, P. (2019). Designing innovation policy mix: a multi-objective decision-making approach. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 28(4), 365-385.
  35. Ghazinoory, S., Ali Ali, A., Hassanzadeh, A., & Majidpour, M. (2019). Examining systematic technological learning of Syrian textile industry. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, 10(1), 116-142.
  36. Golkar, M. H., Ghazinoory, S. S., & Saghafi, F. (2018). Decisioning between scenario schools in health. MOJ Curr Res & Rev, 1(2), 63-67.
  37. Shayan, A., Elahi, S., Ghazinoory, S., & Hoseini, S. H. K. (2018). Designing a model for learning self-organized innovation network: Using embedded case studies. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 123, 314-324.
  38. Dastranj, N., Ghazinoory, S., & Gho lami, A. A. (2017). Technology roadmap for social banking. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, 9(1), 102-122.
  39. Ghazinoory, S., Saghafi, F., & Mirzaei, M. (2018). Extracting Future Business Model Orientation through Scenario Development for Developing Countries, Journal of Futures Studies, 22(3), 65-84.
  40. Ghazinoory, S., Narimani, M., & Tatina, S. (2017). Neoclassical versus evolutionary economics in developing countries: convergence of policy implications, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 1-29.
  41. Ghazinoory, S., Soofi, A. S. (2017). An introduction to the special issue on science and technology in Iran, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 122, 104-106.
  42. Mirimoghadam, M., & Ghazinoory, S. (2017). An institutional analysis of technological learning in Iran’s oil and gas industry: Case study of south pars gas field development, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 122, pp. 262-274.
  43. Hoshdar, F., Ghazinoory, S., Arasti, M., & Fassihi, S. F. (2017). Technology planning system for the iranian petroleum industry: Lessons learned from sanctions. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 122, pp. 170-178
  44. Ghazinoory, S., Saghafi, F., & Kousari, S. (2017). Taking the Long View of Nanotechnology’s Societal Implications: The National Iranian Nanotechnology Initiative at 10 Years. IEEE TEchnology and SocIETy MagazInE, 36(1), 71-80.
  45. Hosseini Golkar, M., Ghazinoory, S. S., Saghafi, F., Eivazi, M. R., Poursheikhali, A., & Dehnavieh, R. (2017). Appropriate types of futures studies scenarios in health. Medical Journal of The Islamic Republic of Iran (MJIRI), 31(1), 478-483.
  46. Ghazinoory, S., Dastranj, N., Saghafi, F., Kulshreshtha, A., & Hasanzadeh, A. (2017). Technology roadmapping architecture based on technological learning: Case study of social banking in Iran. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 122, pp. 231-242.
  47. Ghazinoory, S., Narimani, M., Khamoushi, F., & Kazemi, H. (2017). Extracting the innovation policies for Iran based on the approximation of policy implications for comparative economic doctrines. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 30(1), 1257-1276.
  48. Ghazinoory, S., Narimani, M., & Tatina, S. (2017). Neoclassical versus evolutionary economics in developing countries: convergence of policy implications. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 1-29.
  49. Ghazinoory, S., Farazkish, M., Montazer, G. A., & Soltani, B. (2017). Designing a national science and technology evaluation system based on a new typology of international practices. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 122, pp. 119-127.
  50. Dastranj, N., Ghazinoory, S., Saghafi, F., & Rashidirad, M. (2016). The Role of OSS in Development of Software Industry in Developing Countries with Weak Intellectual Property Rights. International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET), 7(1), 61-78.
  51. Samouei, P., Fattahi, P., Ashayeri, J., & Ghazinoory, S. (2016). Bottleneck easing-based assignment of work and product mixture determination: Fuzzy assembly line balancing approach. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40(7), 4323-4340.
  52. Afshari-Mofrad, M., Ghazinoory, S., Montazer, G. A., & Rashidirad, M. (2016). Groping toward the next stages of technology development and human society: A metaphor from an Iranian poet. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 109, 87-95.
  53. Ghazinoory, S., Saghafi, F., Mirzaei, M., Ghahfarokhi, M. B., & Ghahfarokhi, P. B. (2016). Future Approach to Find Business Model Orientation for Technological Businesses. In Information Technology: New Generations: 13th International Conference on Information Technology (pp. 101-110). Springer International Publishing.
  54. Ghazinoory, S., Saghafi, F., & Kousari, S. (2016). Ex-post evaluation of scenarios: the case of nanotechnology societal impacts. Quality & Quantity, 50(3), 1349-1365.
  55. Ghazinoory, S., Khorasani, A., Rostamy, A. A. A., Taheriattar, G., & Rashidirad, M. (2016). Performance appraisals of ICT companies in the Tehran stock market: contradiction with the global trend. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 29(1), 529-544.
  56. Naghizadeh, R., Elahi, S., Manteghi, M., Ghazinoory, S., & Ranga, M. (2015). Through the magnifying glass: an analysis of regional innovation models based on co-word and meta-synthesis methods. Quality & Quantity, 49(6), 2481-2505.
  57. Mahmoudzadeh, M., Alborzi, M., Ghazinoory, S., & Shavarini, S. K. (2015). Evaluating efficiency of collective learning in innovation networks: Simulation based experiments in SKIN. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8(27), pp. 1-6.
  58. Ghazinoory, S., Riahi, P., Azar, A., & Miremadi, T. (2014). Measuring innovation performance of developing regions: learning and catch-up in provinces of Iran. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 20(3), 507-533.
  59. Ghazinoory, S., Bitaab, A., & Lohrasbi, A. (2014). Social capital and national innovation system: a cross-country analysis. Cross Cultural Management, 21(4), 453-475.
  60. Ghazinoory, S., Daneshmand-Mehr, M., & Arasti, M. R. (2014). Developing a model for integrating decisions in technology roadmapping by fuzzy PROMETHEE. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 26(2), 625-645.
  61. Chu, M. T., Fardoei, S. R., Fallah, H., Ghazinoory, S., & Aliahmadi, A. (2014). Modeling national innovation system enabled by knowledge management. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 15(5), 964-977.
  62. Abolhasani, Z., Hassanzadeh, A., Ghazinoory, S. S., & Pourezzat, A. (2014). A justice-oriented innovation system: a grounded theory approach. Social Justice Research, 27(3), 369-394.
  63. Jamali, R., Ghazinoory, S., & Sadeghi, M. (2014). Plagiarism and Ethics of Knowledge: Evidence from International Scientific Papers. Journal of Information Ethics, 23(1), 101.
  64. Saghafi, F., Aliahmadi, A., Ghazinoory, S. S., & Hourali, M. (2013). Offering the Reference Model of Backcasting Approach for Achieving Sustainable Development. Journal of Futures Studies, 18(1), 63-84.
  65. Ghazinoory, S., Daneshmand-Mehr, M., & Azadegan, A. (2013). Technology selection: application of the PROMETHEE in determining preferences—a real case of nanotechnology in Iran. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 64(6), 884-897.
  66. Ghazinoory, S., Ameri, F., & Farnoodi, S. (2013). An application of the text mining approach to select technology centers of excellence. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 80(5), 918-931.
  67. Ghazinoory, S., Fattahi, P., & Samouei, P. (2013). A hybrid FRTOC-SA algorithm for product mix problems with fuzzy processing time and capacity. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-8.
  68. Ghazinoory, S., Afshari-Mofrad, M., Montazer, G. A., & Rashidirad, M. (2013). Attar’s Seven Valleys of Love and Seven Waves of Human Society: A Hermeneutical Perspective. Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci, 7(3), 78-87.
  69. Ghazinoory, S., Farazkish, M., & Afshari-Mofrad, M. (2013). The Use of Nano-Filtration Metaphor in Extracting Technology Strategy for Nanotechnology-Based Enterprises. Engineering Economics, 24(5), 392-400.
  70. Mohtarami, A., Khodadad, S. H., Elahi, S., Ghazinoori, S., & Kandjani, H. (2013). An Architectural Framework for IT Innovation Systems: A case study on IT diffusion in Iran, European Journal of Scientific Research, 106 (3), pp. 326-344.
  71. Ghazinoory, S., & Soofi, A. (2012). Modifying BSC for national nanotechnology development: an implication for “social capital” role in NIS theory. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 18(3), 487-503.
  72. Ghazinoory, S., & Afshari-Mofrad, M. (2012). An empirical investigation of the role of technology-based education in Iran. In Advances in Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Series: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 646-653. IOS Press.
  73. Ghazinoory, S., & Afshari-Mofrad, M. (2012). Ranking different factors which affect E-Learning outcomes. International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 4(2), 234-237.
  74. Ghazinoory, S., Abedi, S., & Kamran, S. (2012). IP Management in the Context of Developing Countries a The Case of Iran’s Industrial Companies. Small, 11(251,296), 267-285.
  75. Ghazinoory, S., & Hajishirzi, R. (2012). Using Actor-Network Theory to identify the role of IT in cognitive science in Iran. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 32, 153-162.
  76. Ghazinoory, S., Abdi, M., & Azadegan-Mehr, M. (2011). SWOT methodology: a state-of-the-art review for the past, a framework for the future. Journal of business economics and management, 12(1), 24-48.
  77. Azadegan, A., Porobic, L., Ghazinoory, S., Samouei, P., & Kheirkhah, A. S. (2011). Fuzzy logic in manufacturing: a review of literature and a specialized application. International Journal of Production Economics, 132(2), 258-270.
  78. Ghazinoory, S., Ghazinoori, S., & Azadegan-Mehr, M. (2011). Iranian academia: evolution after revolution and plagiarism as a disorder. Science and engineering ethics, 17(2), 213-216.
  79. Soofi, A. S., & Ghazinoory, S. (2011). The network of the Iranian techno-economic system. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78(4), 591-609.
  80. Ghazinoory, S., Khotbesara, R. M., & Fardoei, S. R. (2011). Manufacturing strategy formation process: case study of iranian manufacturing companies. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 17(4), 627-644.
  81. Ghazinoory, S., Abedi, S., & Mashari, B. (2011). Model for IP protection based on an empirical study of Iranian nanotechnology companies, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (JIPR), 16 (1). 27-34.
  82. Ghazinoory, S., Zadeh, A. E., & Kheirkhah, A. S. (2010). Application of fuzzy calculations for improving portfolio matrices. Information Sciences, 180(9), 1582-1590.
  83. Ghazinoory, S., & Farazkish, M. (2010). A model of technology strategy development for Iranian nano‐composite companies. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 16(1), 25-42.
  84. Ghazinoory, S., & Abdi, M. (2010). Promoting nanotechnology patenting: a new experience in national innovation system of Iran, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (JIPR), 15 (6), 464- 473.
  85. Ghazinoory, S., Divsalar, A., & Soofi, A. S. (2009). A new definition and framework for the development of a national technology strategy: The case of nanotechnology for Iran. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 76(6), 835-848.
  86. Ghazinoory, S., & Ghazinouri, R. (2009). Nanotechnology and sociopolitical modernity in developing countries; case study of Iran. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 15(3), 395-417.
  87. Kheirkhah, A. S., Esmailzadeh, A., & Ghazinoory, S. (2009). Developing strategies to reduce the risk of hazardous materials transportation in Iran using the method of fuzzy SWOT analysis. Transport, 24(4), 325-332.
  88. Ghazinoory, S., Mirzaei, S., & Ghazinoori, S. (2009). A model for national planning under new roles for government: Case study of the National Iranian Nanotechnology Initiative. Science and Public Policy, 36(3), 241-249.
  89. Ghazinoory, S. (2009). A day in the life of an Iranian S&T policy researcher. Science and Public Policy, 36(10), 809-811.
  90. Ghazinoory, S., & Kheirkhah, A. S. (2008). Transportation of hazardous materials in Iran: A strategic approach for decreasing accidents. Transport, 23(2), 104-111.
  91. Ghazinoory, S., & Heydari, E. (2008). Potential impacts of nanotechnology development in Iran. IEEE technology and society magazine, 4(27), 37-44.
  92. Ghazinoory, S., Aliahmadi, A., Namdarzangeneh, S., & Ghodsypour, S. H. (2007). Using AHP and LP for choosing the best alternatives based the gap analysis. Applied Mathematics and computation, 184(2), 316-321.
  93. Ghazinoory, S., Esmail Zadeh, A., & Memariani, A. (2007). Fuzzy SWOT analysis. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 18(1), 99-108.
  94. Ghazinoory, S., & Huisingh, D. (2006). National program for cleaner production (CP) in Iran: a framework and draft. Journal of Cleaner Production, 14(2), 194-200.
  95. Ghazinoory, S., & Ghazinoori, S. (2006). Developing Iran’s government strategies for strengthening the national system of innovation using SWOT analysis. Science and Public Policy, 33(7), 529-540.
  96. Ghazinoory, S. (2005). Cleaner production in Iran: necessities and priorities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 13(8), 755-762.